Used Subaru Cars for Sale

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Subaru is a Japanese car manufacturing division of Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd. The brand is well known in the automotive industry for its boxer engine layout which was used in cars such as the Volkswagen Beetle and Porsche 911. Another known feature of Subaru’s cars is that they consistently provide all-wheel drive capabilities.

Subaru initially began as an aircraft research laboratory in 1917, 14 years later in 1931 the company was restructured and became Nakajima Aircraft Company, Ltd. The company would later become the main airplane manufacturer for Japan in World War II.

After the war, the company was restructured once again and became Fuji Sangyo Co. Ltd. The company began building motor scooters using left over aeroplane parts, but in 1950, the company was divided into 12 smaller corporations. Subaru was formed from a union between five of the twelve companies. The company was then named Subaru and produced its first car in 1954.

Subaru has a reputation for durability and reliability, founded through success in rallying. Like many manufacturers, it now focusses on SUVs.

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